Monday, August 8, 2011


Scott bought the kids sunglasses at Target at the beginning of the summer.  A new and curious attitude comes over Ava when she puts them on.  Little Diva.  She basically tries to act "cool."  Her nose goes up in the air and she won't look at you or give you the time of day.  Little Brat.  Anyway, Ava and Isaac call them "gasses."  Isaac continuously has them perched on the top of his head (like Daddy) or up-side-down on his almost nonexistent puggy nose.

The "gasses" are often lost or one kid has their glasses and the other one doesn't and a big fight ensues over the one pair of glasses.  Then, after ten minutes of searching the house and cars, one of them magically "finds" the other pair of glasses. 

We always ask, "Where were your glasses?" 

Response: "I doe know!"  Yeah, right...

Ava's nose is ALWAYS running.

Assessing the situation...

A close-up of her runny nose.

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