Thursday, June 17, 2010

Our First Garden

Laying the black plastic.

Ava HATES the grass and would not venture off this towel.  However, she does like to eat the white flowers (don't worry they're not poisonous).  Notice there are hardly any white flowers around her towel because she ate them all :)

We planted our garden yesterday with Ava and Isaac.  Isaac loved it, Ava not so much.  Isaac's always ready for an adventure lately with his new walking skills.  He really thinks he's a big man now.  He's carrying cups and toys in his hands when he walks.  He also dances while standing... cracks me up.

Back to the garden.  Ava basically cried the whole time because she wanted me to hold her and she wanted off that towel.  We planted tomatoes my mom and dad gave us, cucumbers, string beans, and zucchini from Scott's parents.  This is basically our practice garden.  We threw some fertilizer on it and we're hoping something grows by August.

It's funny, when we were in Florida, Scott and I always talked about having a fabulous garden that was well maintained.  We had visions of fresh produce in our back yard for a bountiful harvest.  Well, then you have a couple of kids and you're like let's throw down some dirt and seeds and see if something grows.  If we're lucky.

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